Cloud developer

MAN AG (Automotive) 2021, 5 months Migrate a configurator application to the AWS cloud. Advise on technical details and best practices. Advise on technical parts (workshops) Support Security and Authentication (F5, Loadbalancer, JWT) Design Advise on auto-scaling (configurator runs on 150+ machines)

Spring Lead Developer

MAN AG (Automotive) 2021, 6 months Design and implement a spring application for deployement of configuration workspaces for sales. The application is triggered via a REST API and interacts with other server via REST, with subversion for the configuration data and with its database (PostgreSQL & Oracle) to manage publication requests. Design the application Advise…

Senior Backend Developer (cloud)

MAN AG (Automotive) 2021, 4 months Design and implement and image service with AWS S3 integration. Integrate 3D Image generator service. Offer REST API and automatic scheduling. Design & Specification Implement as Spring boot application Test via Docker compose infrasturcture using S3 Test Framework Publish as Docker artifact for cloud deployment

Senior Fullstack Developer

MAN AG (Automotive) 2018, 3 years Fullstack development of a configurator application using CAS Merlin configurator. Reimplement Frontend and adjust Backend to fit needs and integrate a whole range of system. The live configurator runs on 150+ servers. Organize technical workshops Advise on design and specification Frontend and Backend development (50/50) Integration of whole range…

Senior Java Developer

Eprimo (Energy) 2016, 7 months Integrate an in-memory database with a configurator core. Develop custom Swing solution to calculate contract costs and margins. Extend existing Swing application to integrate in-memory database (H2) Take part in technical workshops on SAP integration with SAP HANA Extend configurator for mass data calculation