Senior Java Architect

Deutz AG (Mechanical Engineering) 2022, 6 months The existing configurator is to be replaced with a new configurator provided by CAS. A lot of configuration data such as customers, motor types, article information .. is kept in the SAP system. Other data exists in the old configurator. There is also a MSSQL database and excel…

Senior Java Developer

Deutz AG (Mechanical Engineering) 2022, 2 months Design and implement a prototype to demonstrate the ability to connect with SAP system and to import data into a configuration Provide workshops with customer for technology selection Implement pilot system with REST, SOAP (XML IDOC) In Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) add a wizard to implement data import

Spring Lead Developer

MAN AG (Automotive) 2021, 6 months Design and implement a spring application for deployement of configuration workspaces for sales. The application is triggered via a REST API and interacts with other server via REST, with subversion for the configuration data and with its database (PostgreSQL & Oracle) to manage publication requests. Design the application Advise…

Senior Fullstack Developer

MAN AG (Automotive) 2018, 3 years Fullstack development of a configurator application using CAS Merlin configurator. Reimplement Frontend and adjust Backend to fit needs and integrate a whole range of system. The live configurator runs on 150+ servers. Organize technical workshops Advise on design and specification Frontend and Backend development (50/50) Integration of whole range…

Senior Java Developer

Eprimo (Energy) 2016, 7 months Integrate an in-memory database with a configurator core. Develop custom Swing solution to calculate contract costs and margins. Extend existing Swing application to integrate in-memory database (H2) Take part in technical workshops on SAP integration with SAP HANA Extend configurator for mass data calculation

Senior Java Developer

Daimler Trucks (Automotive) 2016, 6 months Implement a lead cockpit for the sales team. Lead aquisation via Web (Typo3), Fax, Mail etc. Management cockpit to follow up on contacts. New application based on JSF and Tomcat. Also integrate chinese subsidary via a server hired with mainland china and connected via VPN. Workshops to gather use…

Java Lead Deveoper

Cardif (insurance) 2007, 8 months Implement a contract generator, depending on the chosen included contract parts, different contract position / texts are to be included in the final contract document. Based on an exisiting configurator product the document model is to be designed, its rules defined and the solution deployed in-house in Stuttgart. Advise on…